
Cheese is a brand that is dedicated to making tourist guides for the country; they needed a logo and graphic line for their stationery.

the brand did not have a name yet, and from the options they decided on cheeze, they want a friendly and safe brand for their customers, as they want to provide reliable tour guides so they required a logo that would identify with them.



caloha is a store that sells bandanas and accessories for canines, they required a logo design since they did not have one, for their logo they used blue tones since their store is located in a touristic beach, that is why they also used the bandana since they wanted to stand out from the other stores.


auto flash

auto flash is dedicated to car rental in el salvador, the brand needed the redesign of their logo and personal brand, it was decided to make use of red tones, as most of their customers usually rent to make trips to beaches or mountains, along with a san serif typography to make your design more modern.


studio blonde

personal brand design for a salon specialized in ballage and blondes, they needed a more youthful and fresh logo. we used pink and orange tones to have a youthful environment.


madam shaigon

we worked on the packaging and menu design for this vietnamese restaurant, they already had a defined logo, they required stationery and packaging design, we used their culture and food to include them in their designs.
